Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My little secret weapon- Avon liquid freeze

I am someone who likes to change their nail polish on a regular basis, but I am also someone who suffers with pillow print (or P.P as I call it ). I am one of those sleepers who tucks both their hands under the pillow while asleep, believe me I have tried to stop this instead of sleeping on my side I have slept on my back but no matter how hard I try my hands always end up under the pillow at night, and it seems to me that if I paint my nails any time after 3pm I end up with P.P. I tried some fast drying topcoats but none seem to work for me, it was getting to a point where I was planning painting my nails days in advance to know that they had enough time to dry, mad I know!I had decided to buy some Seche Vite fast drying topcoat as I have read some great reviews on it on a lot of blogs, in fact I don't think I have read a bad review, and I had managed to find some on Amazon for about £7.00, which for the happiness it would bring me I thought was a good price. In fact I had planned on getting it this week, but at the weekend I went to my sisters to stay  as it is was my birthday, she gave me my present and part of that was Avon's liquid freeze quick dry nail spray.

*picture from google

If I am honest I hadn't even heard of it, but it really is a godsend. It does exactly what it says it really is a super quick dry top coat, and at the moment it is half price which makes it £3.00, so its super cheap too!  What I love about this is that you paint your nails then just wait a minute or so and then spray your nails. I usually get 2 nails with each spray,  it will leave an oily residue on your fingers but I rub it into my cuticles, I'm not sure if its helping them yet, but its certainly not hurting them. Then a minute later my nails are dry with a lovely shine to them. Now to me this is amazing, I love the fact that I can paint my nails at 9pm use this spray and not get P.P. The price is great too, usually you get 50ml for £6.00 but like I said it's on half price offer at the moment, so I promptly bought myself one to add to the one my sister had bought me and this will always have a place in my nail collection.

 Do you suffer from Pillow Print?? Do you have any tips to quick drying nails??


  1. This is quite cool! I hate waiting for my polish to dry as well, might have to check this one out. Is it dry-to-the-touch dry or smudge-proof-dry as well? Thanks for the review x

  2. After a couple of mins(if that) its both, it really is fantastic xx
